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Master Number 33 - Mission of the Old Soul

"Mission of the Old Soul" is an Original Mixed Media Painting done in a monochromatic style, utilizing an accent color, shades of black and white with a bit of deep red. The Old Soul is represented by the aged door with wings and the 33.

The number 33 is a Master Number with great symbolism. It personifies the Old Soul, the Master Teacher, who carries vast responsibility. The Old Soul is highly sensitive and spiritually evolved, concerned for the Earth and ALL of humanity. Dedicated to raising consciousness and doing good in the world, they committed to a life of service...a Steward of Humanity.

Master Number 33 the Mission of the Old Soul Original Painting

Energy Painting of Mission of the Old Soul

"Mission of the Old Soul" was created with Acrylics and Golden Gels on a stretched canvas that measures 16 inches x 20 inches. The Original Painting has SOLD but you can collect Fine Art Prints and Products on my Pixels site here Mission of the Old Soul ART PRINT


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