When I create, I create on an intuitive and healing perspective, most times in tune with what I myself need. We all go through changes, experiences, transformations, and growth and while sometimes these periods can be uplifting and happy, other times we can have pensive or blue days. My spirit has been in a state of Blue the past few months, and while I am aware and conscious of these feelings, they still persist. At first I battled it, shoving those feelings down, as if they didn't or couldn't exist. But even in doing so I realized they were still there, they were coming out in my artwork. When I had stepped back and looked at the body of work I had created, the majority were in shades of literal Blue.When studying these pieces I realized that even though they were "Blue" and I knew the deep feelings that lie under the surfaces, they were not depressing or sad, but still inspirational. My spirit naturally knew how to help me navigate through those waves of emotion
Contemporary Folk Art and Spirit Dolls from the Blue Ridge Mountains by Jeanne Fry