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Autumn Equinox and Mother Earth's Palette

My spirit resonates with the change of the seasons and fully comes alive, as if waking up from a sleep with the arrival of the Autumn Equinox. The crisp air and the splashes of color are a "coming home" to me. It invites my soul to join the party and celebrate all that has been worked so hard for throughout the year.

 Now is the time to harvest those spiritual seeds that were planted, the things dreams are made of. It is the releasing of the authentic self, your growth, and your changes before the quiet winter sets in. We can feel the contemplative winter standing at the edge of the door, and take this time to grasp Life at its fullest. 
The change in Mother Earth's palette, her splashing of warm and fiery colors on the landscape, can't help to inspire artists. 

Those colors and energies sneak into our own artwork, and the memories of days past can jog new themes on the canvas. 
Happy Autumn Equinox ~ May your own Harvest be Plentiful.


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