Are you an Earth Angel?
Earth Angels are here to Lift people up, to move them out of a space of Fear and into a space of Love. I can't think of anything more needed in our world today. They are ambitious in helping our world be a better place, it is their Mission and their Passion. Many people talk about encountering an Earth Angel....sometimes that person who stops and helps you when you are on the side of the road...or the person who secretly pays for your dinner at a restaurant...or the person who diligently spends every day fostering and adopting out animals looking for their forever home. Earth Angels come in many forms with many different missions, though each one involves selfless service and compassion.
Earth Angels usually feel that they are here on this Earth for a purpose, that they have an important job to do. They tend to be sensitive, especially to harsh noise, crowded places, and can't tolerate violence or negativity.
There are many types of Earth Angel Realms. There are 4 Core Realms, and many Blended Realms that Earth Angels belong to. The 4 Core Realms are Incarnated Angels, Incarnated Elementals (faeries, elves), Wise Ones, and Star People.
Mer People, Atlanteans, and Mystic Stars as just a few of the blended realms.
I am a Certified Earth Angel Realm Reader, certified by Internationally known Doreen Virtue.
I offer Earth Angel Realm Readings and can do them in person or via email.
I have also integrated this process with my Art, and offer an Earth Angel Realm Reading along with a Personalized Earth Angel Portrait, of YOUR likeness within your Earth Angel Realm.
I offer Earth Angel Realm Readings and can do them in person or via email.
I have also integrated this process with my Art, and offer an Earth Angel Realm Reading along with a Personalized Earth Angel Portrait, of YOUR likeness within your Earth Angel Realm.
You can learn more about this process here on my site